To search for office space

Our service is FREE of charge. All you need to do is:

  1. Browse our comprehensive listings, and add to enquiry any buildings that you like.
  2. Send us the enquiry
  3. Our consultants will get back to you in 24 hours to schedule a meeting

How do you make money if your service is 100% free?

We have an agreement with landlords/building owners, and we are compensated by the landlords/building owners.

Does that mean that going through you is more expensive than searching for the office myself?

Great question! And one that we frequently have.

We guarantee that we have no mark ups. Going through SewaKantorCBD is not only free, but our price is guaranteed to be the same as if you go through all the hassle and search yourself.

In fact, often times it's cheaper going through us. Because our market knowledge, we can leverage our knowledge of pas transactions of the building as well as the competing buildings that you're interested in, when we negotiate on your behalf.

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